Aston Villa taps Nova88 as their Official Asian Betting Partner, as announced last August 16, 2024, through the club’s official website. According to them, the partnership between the Villa and Nova88, aims to increase the club’s presence in Asia. Nova88 is known to be one of the leading betting platform across in Asia. With this partnership, Aston Villa taps the perfect partner, Nova88, as they aim to widen their reach in Asia. Through this partnership, Nova88 will utilize Aston Villa‘s IP, by creating numerous marketing materials. With Nova88, Aston Villa will benefit through brand exposure across Asia, considering Nova88‘s reach in the continent.
Nova88 x Aston Villa
The Villa has partnered with Nova88 as its Official Asian Betting Partner, as it aims to strengthen its presence in the Asian market. The partnership, as announced in August 2024, will feature Nova88’s branding on LED boards at Villa Park during home matches. This will enhance visibility among millions of football fans. Additionally, the partnership will also involve digital content initiatives to engage Villa’s supporters and promote the Nova88 brand. This partnership will help the Villa strengthen its international presence and reputation as a globally recognized football club.
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